Side Effects of Osteoporosis Drugs

All Medication has Side Effects

We’ve all heard the commercials. Pretty people, smiling and much better off for the drug they’re advertising. However most of the information is about the drug’s side effects. Apparently we humans focus more on the visual. 

Picture provided by Osteoporosis Institute.Org
We recommend building new bone tissue naturally using our Strong4Life System. It has been proven effective, using a series of protocols, to generate new bone growth. Osteoporosis is a serious condition that affects the lives of millions – So much so that organizations, such as the Society of Orthopedic Surgeons, is attempting to get it classified as an epidemic.   We have listed below published side effects of Osteoporosis drugs. Realize that these are “common” side effects and that more evidence is coming to light about long term serious side effects.

Side Effects of Osteoporosis Drugs
  • Bisphosphonates: Common side effects include heartburn and irritation of the esophagus if you are taking pills. The IV forms of bisphosphonates may cause constipation, diarrhea, headache, flatulence, joint pain, and muscle pain. In rare cases, bisphosphonates can cause severe or incapacitating bone, joint, and/or muscle pain.
  • SERMs: The most common side effects are fatigue, hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats.
  • Teriparatide: When you first start using teriparatide, you may experience dizziness or rapid heartbeat within 4 hours of injecting teriparatide, and the symptoms may persist for a few minutes to a few hours. This effect typically resolves after a few doses as your body adjusts to the medication. Other side effects may include muscle cramps, spasms, pain, swelling, and or bruising at the injection site. If any of these symptoms persist, contact your physician. Unlikely serious side effects may include constipation, fainting, mental or mood changes and unusual tiredness.
  • Denosumab: The most common side effects are back pain, cystitis, high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), musculoskeletal pain, and pain in the extremities. Less common are constipation, serious infections, and osteonecrosis of the jaw.
  • Calcitonin: Common side effects include nasal discomfort, sores, or redness, nosebleeds, and runny nose.
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