Constant Back Pain Relief

Constant Back Pain is Considered Chronic if Lasting More than 12 Weeks Chronic back pain involves a multitude of problems, from weak, tight and unstable muscles, degenerative structural changes, poor posture, unstable feet the list is sometimes endless. Outside the chiropractic world, patients with lower back pain deal with traditional medicine, whether that is a series of injections, prescriptions, PT and multiple MRI this sounds all too familiar.

One in Five People Suffer From Chronic Pain

Constant Back Pain is Considered Chronic if Lasting More than 12 Weeks Chronic back pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 Weeks.Chronic pain can be debilitating to live with, making basic functions of daily living a challenge.Chronic pain may have many causes, but many cases of chronic pain are based on abnormal spinal alignment and movement. Ultimate ChiroCare approaches chronic lower back conditions by looking at the entire musculoskeletal structure and determining where the break-down is taking place. By assessing posture, spinal alignment, range of motion, dynamic muscle testing and a thorough foot exam, the patient begins to understand why traditional medicine failed and why our approach is so successful.
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